If you are applying for an extended permit or citizenship or renewing your residence permit card or residence card, it is possible that you do not need to visit a service point to prove your identity. For more information about when visiting a service point is not necessary, see the page Identification migri.fi/en/identification
Welcome to Enter Finland, the online service of the Finnish Immigration Service! Here you can apply for a residence permit or for Finnish citizenship online.

Choose an application below:

If you are not sure which type of application you should choose, use the Application Finder on the Finnish Immigration Service website to find out. For instructions on how to use the online service, see the page Online services.

If you assist an applicant, choose your online service below:

How to give us feedback on Enter Finland:

Give feedback

You can use our feedback form to give us feedback on Enter Finland: Enter Finland feedback form (migri.fi)/(webropol.com).

We will not respond to any feedback or contact requests that have been sent through the feedback form. Our contact details can be found on our website: Contact information (migri.fi).

We value your feedback

Your feedback will help us improve Enter Finland and our services.

Enter Finland user support

If you have a technical problem, please email an exact description and, if possible, a screenshot of the problem to esupport@migri.fi.

If you have questions about the use of Enter Finland, you can call us at +358 295 790 606 from Monday to Friday at 8.30–15.30 (Finnish time).

These applications cannot be submitted online:

The following applications cannot be submitted using the online service of the Finnish Immigration Service: residence permit on the basis of Finnish origin; residence permit on other grounds; extended permit on the basis of international protection; travel documents; Schengen visa; asylum application.

For further information, see the website of the Finnish Immigration Service or the website of the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

migri.fiFrontpage - Finland abroad

Five steps and your application is ready


Learn more about Finland and moving to Finland: