If you are applying for an extended permit or citizenship or renewing your residence permit card or residence card, it is possible that you do not need to visit a service point to prove your identity. For more information about when visiting a service point is not necessary, see the page Identification

Accessibility statement for Enter Finland

This accessibility statement concerns the online service EnterFinland.fi and was prepared on 21 August 2019 and updated on 31 December 2024. The online service Enter Finland is part of the online set of services provided by the Finnish Immigration Service.


The Finnish immigration service is committed to making its website accessible in accordance with the Act on the provision of digital services 306/2019


The accessibility assessment of the website is based on the Finnish Immigration Service’s own assessment as well as assessments made by the system vendor and an external evaluation by accessibility professionals.


State of accessibility of the website

Changes have been made to the accessibility of the following pages, which are now partly compliant with the critical accessibility requirements of levels A and AA:

General pages:


Enter Finland for Counsels and Representatives:


The pages mentioned above have been subject to technical accessibility modifications so that they are now technically compliant with the accessibility requirements of levels A and AA. However, the pages have not yet been subject to technical modifications requiring visual modifications, or to certain stand-alone non-visual technical modifications that will be listed below.


The textual contents of the said pages have also been reviewed and revised in order to make the text explicit and comprehensive.


Contents that are not compliant with accessibility requirements

Parts of the service are not yet compliant with accessibility requirements


In the first stage of the accessibility assessment, only the pages listed under "State of accessibility of the website" have been reviewed and modified to comply with accessibility requirements.

The rest of the website, as well as documents in connection to the website will be assessed and modified to be accessible in a prioritized order as soon as practicable.


Visual shortcomings:


Reason for shortcomings: Modifying the colours requires more planning and more time for preparation. The planning process has been initiated. Modifying the colours is connected to the agency’s internal projects renewing the visual image and colour scheme of the agency, as well as rethinking the visual design and the website structure of the online service Enter Finland. For this reason, it was not possible to modify the colours at this stage merely to comply with accessibility requirements. The visual modifications will be made in the service as soon as it is possible.


Technical shortcomings:

The following non-visual technical modifications required have been identified, but have not yet been made:


Shortcomings in content:

The content of the pages now modified has been reviewed and revised to make the language comprehensible and explicit. The texts have not been revised externally.


Conduction of the accessibility assessment

The system vendor has conducted an accessibility assessment. The accessibility assessment was conducted using the following accessibility tools and web pages:


Text-to-speech testing:



Tool used in the accessibility check:



Web pages used as information sources in the accessibility check:













Online tutorials used:






Accessibility testing

The web pages have been tested and will be tested in future with automated accessibility testing, applying the following tools:





The web pages will also receive manual accessibility testing, focusing especially on the following issues:


The accessibility of the service was evaluated by an external accessibility specialist in December 2022, focusing on the residence permit for an employed person.

Feedback on accessibility

We aim to make our services accessible for as many as possible. We are always looking to improve the accessibility of our services and appreciate all feedback. If you notice any accessibility issues on the website, please first send feedback to us, i.e. the site administrator. It may take us up to 14 days to reply. If you are not satisfied with the reply or do not receive a reply at all within two weeks, you can notify the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland.

There are several ways to send feedback:


Your feedback will be processed by the unit responsible for dealing with the issue in question. The feedback given using the form on the website is regularly monitored by the Customer Relations and Communications Unit.


Filing a complaint

You have the right to file an accessibility complaint with the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency, which is the authority responsible for overseeing compliance with the statutory accessibility requirements in Finland. 

Contact information of the regulatory authority

Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom (Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto Traficom)

Digital Accessibility Supervision Unit (Digitaalisen esteettömyyden ja saavutettavuuden valvontayksikkö)



telephone switchboard 029 534 5000


Preparation and updating of this accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on 21 August 2019. The statement has been updated on 26 May 2021, 22 December 2022 and 31 December 2024.