If you are applying for an extended permit or citizenship or renewing your residence permit card or residence card, it is possible that you do not need to visit a service point to prove your identity. For more information about when visiting a service point is not necessary, see the page Identification (migri.fi)

Permanent residence permit

This form is for applying for either a permanent Finnish residence permit (P) or an EU residence permit (P-EU) for third-country nationals with long-term EU resident status. You are eligible for a permanent residence permit if you have lived in Finland on a continuous residence permit (A permit) for an uninterrupted period of four years. You are eligible for a P-EU residence permit if you have lived in Finland on a continuous residence permit (A permit) for an uninterrupted period of five years. If you are suspected of or have been found guilty of an offence, you may be denied a permanent residence permit or P-EU residence permit.

If you are not eligible for a permanent residence permit, you may be granted an extended fixed-term residence permit on the basis of your application.


When you fill in an online application, the application form requires you to add all the obligatory attachments before you can submit the application.

You can save your application as a draft. You can then continue to fill in the application and add attachments later. However, you must add all obligatory attachments before you submit the application.


Get ready

To apply for a permanent residence permit, you will need the following documents:

  • a copy of your passport and copies of all passport pages that contain markings;
  • if you have had your current passport for less than a year and you still have your old passport, please add copies of both the new and the old passport and of all pages that contain markings;
  • passport photo;
  • documents proving that you have sufficient funds or income, depending on the grounds for your application.


To check the required income level, see the website migri.fi/income-requirement.


Fill in the application and pay the fee

Complete the application form and attach all the required documents. Select your service point. You must visit a service point of the Finnish Immigration Service to prove your identity. If your children are applying for a residence permit, they must visit a service point to prove their identity, too. You will find more information at migri.fi/en/identification. Please take into account that the service points can be very busy. You can book an appointment already before submitting the application using Migri's appointment system.


Book an appointment to visit a service point

The processing of an application is subject to a fee. You can pay the processing fee with most credit cards, or use the online banking services provided by Finnish banks. You can also pay the processing fee at the Migri service point during your visit to prove your identity.


Visit the selected authority to prove your identity

Visit Migri to prove your identity and to present the original versions of any attachments required for the application. Remember to bring with you your passport and a passport photo.


Follow the processing 

You can follow the processing of your application in the e-service. The information in e-service is identical to the one that can be given by our phone customer service. If further information or documents are required for your application, we will send you a request primarily through the e-service. You will receive a notification when a decision has been made and can be read online. We will primarily contact you through the online service if we need additional information for your application.

Create a new application

Create a user account
To create a new application you need to create a user account first.
Log in
You have already created a user account and want to create a new application or check the progress of pending applications.