If you are applying for an extended permit or citizenship or renewing your residence permit card or residence card, it is possible that you do not need to visit a service point to prove your identity. For more information about when visiting a service point is not necessary, see the page Identification
Seasonal work

Seasonal work

Apply for a residence permit for seasonal work if your work is in the field of agriculture or tourism and is tied to a certain season.


The types of seasonal work to which the Seasonal Workers Act is applied include agricultural and garden work, forestry, wild berry picking and work in the tourism sector. The Seasonal Workers Act also applies to temporary agency work. See a more detailed list of seasonal jobs on the page What counts as seasonal work? 


This service is not intended for the employers of seasonal workers. Seasonal workers must have their own personal Enter Finland user accounts and apply for a seasonal work permit through their own user account.


You can have a seasonal job in Finland for no longer than nine months during a period of twelve months. In order to check this, we ask you to state in your application all periods within the twelve previous months that you have spent in Finland doing seasonal work.


If your job is not seasonal work or if you come to Finland to work for more than nine months or if you live in a member state of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, apply for a residence permit for an employed person (the 'TTOL' permit).



Read more about seasonal work permits on the page Seasonal work.


If you are not sure which grounds for applying you should choose, use the Application Finder on the Finnish Immigration Service website to find out.

Select the application that suits your situation