If you are applying for an extended permit or citizenship or renewing your residence permit card or residence card, it is possible that you do not need to visit a service point to prove your identity. For more information about when visiting a service point is not necessary, see the page Identification
First residence permits
Residence permit application on the basis of family ties

Residence permit application on the basis of family ties

A residence permit can be granted on the basis of family ties. The family member who lives in Finland or moves to Finland together with you, with whom you intend to lead a family life, is referred to as your sponsor. Before you can be granted a residence permit, your sponsor must have a residence permit in Finland or he or she must apply for a residence permit at the same time as you and be granted a residence permit.

The definition of family as used here is according to the Finnish Aliens' Act, and does not always correspond to general views on what a family is. The family members of Finnish citizens and of non-EU citizens and comparable persons are: spouses, registered partners, cohabiting partners, children and guardians of a child under 18 years of age.

Usually, an application for a first residence permit must be submitted outside Finland. You can submit an application for a residence permit in Finland if you are a family member of a Finnish citizen or if you are applying for a permit for a child born in Finland. Read more about applying for a first residence permit (migri.fi).

How does applying electronically work?


If your family member in Finland has sought asylum, you may only apply once he or she has received a residence permit. To apply you must have the following information ready:

This information can be found in the decision given by the Finnish Immigration Service. If your family member has lost this document, they can request a certificate from the Finnish Immigration Service with the required information.

Residence permit for a spouse

You can apply for the permit if your spouse has been granted or applies for a Finnish residence permit at the same time and you are

If you have a steady relationship with a person who has a residence permit in Finland, you cannot apply for a residence permit via the e-service but must fill in the paper form OLE_MUU.

Residence permit for a spouse of a Finnish citizen

You can apply for the permit if your spouse is a Finnish citizen and you are

and your spouse lives in Finland or is moving to Finland.

If you have a steady relationship with a Finnish citizen, you cannot apply for a residence permit via the e-service but must fill in the paper form OLE_MUU.

Residence permit for a guardian

You can apply for a residence permit as a guardian if your child who lives in Finland is a Finnish citizen or has been granted a Finnish residence permit and the child is under 18 years old and unmarried.

Residence permit for a child

You can apply for a residence permit for a child in your custody if you are a Finnish citizen or have been granted or are applying for a Finnish residence permit at the same time and your child is under 18 years old and unmarried.

Residence permit for other family member

You can apply for the permit if your relative living in Finland is a Finnish citizen or has been granted a residence permit on the basis of international protection and

  • you intend to resume the close family life in Finland that you have led elsewhere or
  • you are fully dependent on your relative living in Finland.

It is also required that your family life has been interrupted for compelling reasons.

Residence permit for adoption

You can apply for a residence permit for your child if you live in Finland and adopt a child abroad.