If you are applying for an extended permit or citizenship or renewing your residence permit card or residence card, it is possible that you do not need to visit a service point to prove your identity. For more information about when visiting a service point is not necessary, see the page Identification migri.fi/en/identification

Terms of use for the e-service

The user of this service agrees to comply with the following terms of use

The Finnish Immigration Service provides an e-service at www.enterfinland.fi. The site is available in Finnish, Swedish and English.

Before you use the e-service (hereinafter 'service'), you must carefully read the following terms of use and accept them.

Parties of service use
The service is provided by the Finnish Immigration Service (hereinafter Migri). Contact information for Migri:
Migri, P. O. Box 10, FI-00086 Maahanmuuttovirasto



Under law, Migri makes decisions on residence permit, D visa and citizenship applications submitted in the online service. The user of the service can only be a natural person. This means a real, individual person who has rights and obligations.  When a user starts to use the service, s/he accepts these terms of use.

The purpose of the service
The service is an electronic channel for applications, advice and information in immigration affairs and citizenship issues. A person can use the service to apply for a residence permit, D visa or citizenship, to obtain information about the processing of an application, and possibly to receive notification of the decision on a matter.

The purpose of the terms of use

These terms of use regulate the duties, rights and obligations of Migri and the user of the service. The contents of the service are determined by the law, these terms of use, and the file description for the service.

User account and technical requirements

To create a user account in the service, a user registers as a user on the service website and accepts the terms of use. When the user has accepted the terms of use, the terms and conditions explained in the terms of use bind him/her and determine how s/he should conduct him/herself when using the service. Migri may also ask the user to provide specific information when creating a user account. To use the service, each user has to create a user ID and password.


Each user is responsible for the data security and safe use of his/her data systems and data connections. If the service is damaged because of insufficient data security, the user has to pay the costs of repairing the damage.


Users are allowed to use the service for their personal applications and for the applications of any children in their care. In addition, a representative or a legal attorney can use the service on behalf of an applicant. If the applicant is under 18 years of age or for some other reason does not have legal capacity, the applicant's attorney, legal counsel, guardian, or representative can use the service on his/ her behalf. In this context, a representative means a person that meets the definitions included in the Act on the Reception of Persons Applying for International Protection and Identifying and Assisting Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings (746/2011).


Only one person can use the service on behalf of a client. If a client has several attorneys, only one of them can use the service on behalf of the client. The person who was given first right to user rights is usually the person allowed to use the service. If another attorney submits a counselling notification, the service will not be made available to this attorney unless a written explanation from the previous attorney is submitted with the notification. This written explanation must state that the previous attorney does not wish to use the service anymore. However, if the second attorney has a legal right to assist in the matter at hand, s/he can contact Migri on behalf of the client through other channels, such as by email.


An employer-user can use the service only as a representative of a community.


All users are responsible for making sure that outsiders cannot find out their user ID and password.


If a user’s ID or password is lost or is obtained by an outsider, the user must inform Migri of this. If the user does not inform Migri, s/he is responsible for any misuse of the service through his/her account, and for any consequent damages.


If a user’s user ID and password are lost, s/he can ask for a new ID and password, and Migri will provide them. In this case, the user’s existing account can be transferred to the new ID and password.


Migri has the right to change a user’s ID and password, as well as any other credentials needed in the service, for technical reasons and other acceptable reasons.


Technical service requirements
In order to create a user account and submit an application, a user must have a personal email address.


An email address, Finnish online banking codes, an electronic identity card issued by the Finnish police, or eIDAS identification can be used to create a user account. An employer, representative, attorney or trustee needs to use strong identification, such as bank codes, to create a user account.


To be able to use the service, users must first accept the use of cookies and JavaScript on their Internet browser. The service includes PDF documents, meaning files in a certain file format.  Therefore users must have Adobe Acrobat Reader or another PDF reader. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded free of charge from the Adobe website (http://get.adobe.com/fi/reader/).


We recommend to use the service with Google Chrome or Safari when using a mobile device and Google Chrome, Safari or Internet Edge when using a computer or a tablet. Use the latest browser version. The service can be used with the most common Windows, Android and iOS mobile devices.

User's obligations and responsibilities

To be able to apply for a residence permit, D visa or citizenship through the service, a user must have the right to apply for a permit, D visa or citizenship as determined in the Aliens Act or the Nationality Act.


Only the applicant or his/her legal representative can apply for a residence permit or a D visa. If a legal representative submits the application, the applicant must be present when the application is submitted. However, the applicant does not need to be present if his/her health prevents this, for example. In this case, a separate explanation is required. The applicant may be asked to visit in person at a later time.


Each user is responsible for making sure that s/he does not submit applications through the account without the right to do so. If a residence permit or D visa application is submitted without the right to do so, it will not be processed. A person cannot apply for a residence permit or a D visa on behalf of a family member who is 18 years of age or older, and an employer does not have the right to apply for a residence permit or D visa on behalf of an employee. It is not possible to apply for international protection, in other words for asylum, through the service.  In Finland, you can apply for international protection only in person, through the police or a border authority.


Users are responsible for ensuring that the documents and other material they import to the service do not contain viruses or any other elements that might harm the system. Users are also responsible for ensuring that they do not distribute such material or handle it in any other way that could be harmful. Users may not use the service for sending any messages that might harm or disrupt the service, such as junk mail, chain letters and unsolicited bulk email.


Migri controls the material imported into the service with usage reports and antivirus and antimalware scans.


When a person has logged in to an account and performs actions in the service, Migri assumes that these actions are performed by the user him/herself.


When representatives, guardians, attorneys or legal counsels use documents available in the service, they must observe the protection level of the documents. This means, for example, that the documents may not be surrendered to people who do not have the right to view them. If the service is used with a shared browser, the browser history must be cleared after use. Users must also make sure that when a decision has become legally valid, the documents related to the application are destroyed in a manner that is appropriate to the protection level, so that they are no longer available to people who do not have the right to view them. A watermark is added to the documents that are submitted to the representatives, attorneys and trustees of the Finnish Immigration Service. It can be used to connect the document to a certain user account, if necessary.


An attorney, legal counsel, guardian or a representative that uses the service must respond to any clarification or supplement requests by the given deadline. Migri may make a decision on the matter even if it does not receive a response.  However, the lack of additional information may affect the decision.


When interacting with the Finnish Immigration Service, users should rely on electronic services to the greatest extent possible. Migri or another authority may ask a user to supplement an application through the service. The supplement request is based on the grounds specified in the Administrative Procedure Act and the Aliens Act or Nationality Act.  If the user does not respond to the request by the given deadline, the application may be rejected.


After sending an application, users must prove their identity at a service point of their choice.


The applicant, meaning the user who sent the application, must visit the Finnish embassy or consulate of his/her choice, or a service point of the Finnish Immigration Service, within three months of sending the application.  Identity can be proved at the embassy, consulate or service point with an identification document. The original copies of the appendices needed for the application must also be presented at the same time, and fingerprints may be taken. A visit to an embassy, consulate or service point will not be requested separately, but the visit must take place within three months of submitting the application.


An application cannot be processed until the applicant has visited an embassy, consulate or Migri service point. If the applicant does not prove his/her identity by the deadline, a negative decision will be made on the matter. The processing fee will not be refunded.


If the applicant is unable to prove the identity within three months of submitting the application because of lack of available appointment times, the applicant must inform about the situation through the “Send additional information” page in Enter Finland. The additional information must include the date for which the applicant was able to book an appointment. The applicant must send the additional information within three months of submitting the application in Enter Finland.


An application becomes pending when it is completed and submitted through the service. However, the official processing time begins after the applicant has visited an embassy or consulate or Migri service point and presented the original copies of the documents attached to the application.


The processing time of a work-based residence permit application may begin even later than immediately after the visit to the embassy, consulate or service point. When completing a work-based residence permit application, an applicant can give his/her consent to the employer mentioned on the application completing the application in the e-service on his/her behalf.  The employer must supplement the application with an appendix that includes the key employment terms and conditions, and submit the statements required by the service. The application cannot be processed before the employer has submitted the statements. The processing time begins only when the employer has reported said information to the authority, even if the applicant has already visited an embassy, consulate or service point.


In some cases, ther is no not need to visit a service point or an embassy or consulate to prove ones identity if the user has logged in to Enter Finland using strong identification, meaning that the identity is verified online and they have applied for an extended permit. However, this is not possible in all situations when an extended permit is applied for. When applied online, Enter Finland will inform whether a personal visit is needed or not.

Handling of user's personal information

Users must provide Migri with their personal data and other information required to use the service. Users must also inform Migri of any changes to their information. Users can save their electronic contact information (email address and mobile phone number) in the service in order to be informed of documents delivered through the service and other events (notice). If users do not wish to receive notices as text messages, they can delete their mobile phone number from their contact information. Users must make sure that their contact information is correct and up to date.


In addition to the above-mentioned contact information, the user’s name details, personal identity code and date of birth is handled in the service. Migri handles this information in the Enter Finland service and in the case management system of Migri. Applications for a D visa are processed in the case management system of the Finnish Immigration Service, but visa stickers are printed in the VISA system of the Finnish Foreign Service. Information recorded in the VISA system for the D visa sticker include the visa holder’s first names and family names, the date of issue and period of validity of the visa, the territorial validity of the visa, the number of entries into the country, the duration of stay in days, travel document number, and the country and authority issuing the visa. Users’ personal data is handled as required by legislation and in accordance with the privacy statement (migri.fi).


The Enter Finland service uses the Suomi.fi e-Authorizations service to verify the mandate of organisations in the Enter Finland for Employers service. When a user moves to the Suomi.fi website, the terms and conditions of that website will apply. Migri is not responsible for the content or the functioning of the identification services at Suomi.fi.

Documents submitted through the service

Users are responsible for ensuring the legibility and understandability of the appendices they submit with their application or declaration, and of any documents submitted afterwards.


Application documents are retained in the service for a period of one calendar year from the date on which a decision in the matter was served, meaning the date on which the decision was viewed in the service. After that, the documents will be removed from the service.


Employee announcement documents will be stored in the service for 30 days after submission. After that, the documents will be removed from the service.


The documents uploaded to the section reserved for representatives, attorneys and trustees are stored in the service for 30 days after the decision on the matter has become legally binding. After that, the documents will be removed from the service.  Representatives, guardians, attorneys and legal counsels cannot use the e-service to request documents about a matter in which a legally binding decision has been made.  In this case, a request for documents should be sent by email to arkisto@migri.fi.


The Finnish Immigration Service archives the application documents for a period prescribed by law and specified in the records management plan. Users can therefore request a copy of a document related to an application submitted electronically even after the copies have been removed from the service.


Migri is entitled to remove material submitted by a user if the material infringes on any copyrights or other rights of another person, violates the law or these terms of use through its content, or is potentially harmful.

Migri's responsibility

Migri is continuously developing its e-service. Migri reserves the right to change the service and its content in the manner and at the times it deems fit. Migri may at any time stop providing the service and close it.


Migri is not liable for damage caused by a third party’s information system, communications errors, malfunctions, technical faults or malware.


Migri may close the service or an individual user account if it suspects that the service is a target of data security attacks or if the user, when accessing the service, fails to comply with these terms of use, the law or good practice. Migri may close an individual user account also if the user uses the service in a manner that poses a threat to the functionality or data security of the service, or if it is suspected that the user has abused the service.


Migri strives to keep the contents of the service up to date and accurate. If, nonetheless, there is inaccurate or deficient information in the service, Migri is not responsible for any expenses or damages caused to users by such information. Migri is also not responsible for any damage that the use of the e-service or being unable to use the e-service may cause.

Provision of false information

In Finland, providing the authorities with false personal data or a false written statement, or causing harm to data processing, is an act punishable under the Criminal Code and may lead to a sentence (Criminal Code, chapter 16:5, 7 and 8 §, and chapter 34:9 a §).

The provision of false information may lead to refusal to grant a permit or the cancellation of a permit already granted, removal from the country and a prohibition of entry into the Schengen area.

Electronic service

According to sections 18 and 19 of the Act on Electronic Services and Communication in the Public Sector, a user has to give his/her consent before receiving decisions in electronic format. Migri deems that by accepting these terms of use, users also give this consent. Despite the consent, Migri has the right to use other means of notice, such as paper notifications.


Verifiable service means providing notice so that the time of notice can be verified later with, for example, a time stamp. A document requiring verifiable service is deemed served when the user has opened the document in the e-service. When a document is verifiably served through the service, the user does not need to acknowledge the receipt of the document separately. The service automatically informs Migri of the time at which the document was opened. Any appeal period associated with the document served begins at the time the document is opened.


Migri informs the user with a separate notice when a document being served is available in the e-service. The user has to open a document that requires verifiable service in the service within seven days of that document being uploaded to the service. If this does not happen, Migri must deliver the notice to the user using another legal and verifiable method of delivery, such as advice of receipt.


Migri is not responsible for the arrival of the notice to the user. If the notice does not arrive, this will not affect the date of the service (meaning the time that the user received notice of the decision in the service) laid down in section 19 (2) of the Act on Electronic Services and Communication in the Public Sector, which possibly is imposed on the user.


If the service does not need to be verifiable – in other words, there is no need to be able to prove the time of notice – the document is deemed served on the third day from its submission to the e-service. Users do not need to inform Migri that they have received or viewed a document in the service. When a document to be served arrives in the service, Migri will inform the user with a separate notice. Decisions can be submitted to the service even for users who do not have the right to appeal the decision.  However, this does not mean that the user has an exceptional right to appeal.


Migri is not required to inform users of decisions through the e-service or in another manner if there are legal or administrative grounds for not doing so.


Decisions on international protection, meaning decisions on asylum applications, are not served online.

Other terms and conditions

External service providers

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs has contracts with external service providers that offer similar services as the Finnish embassies, consulates and their service points abroad. What is stated in these terms of use about Finnish embassies, consulates and their service points also applies to external service providers that have a contract with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, as well as their service points. These service providers also have the right to charge a service fee when a person is applying for a residence permit or a D visa.


The service is provided free of charge, but processing an application carries a fee

Before the processing of an application can begin or continue, a processing fee must be paid (Aliens Act, section 10 a; Nationality Act, section 44 (5)). An application for a residence permit or D visa will expire if the processing fee is not paid. No fee is charged for only using the e-service.


The processing fee will not be refunded even if the application is withdrawn after processing has begun. Processing is deemed to have begun once the application has been submitted in the service.


Other terms and conditions

Migri has the right to change these terms of use by notifying users through the service. Such changes enter into force when the notification arrives in the service.


In addition to these terms of use, the use of the service is governed by the Act on Electronic Services and Communication in the Public Sector (13/2003) and the Aliens Act (301/2004), including any subsequent amendments.